What great kids! I was rather nervous about this photo-shoot, working with three kids can be challenging. However, these guys were wonderful, mom and grandma were a big help too. The day was very hot and sunny, creating harsh shadows and squinting eyes. However, I knew this before I went into this photo-shoot and it gave me a reason to breakout the pop-sickles at the end. Anyhow, I was determined to capture some of the shots I had planned in my head, which were in direct sun. What I learned from this photo-shoot is to have a plan B. Although, I feel as if the photos are very good. I wish I would have had a a few more shots in the shade, just to give my client a little more variety. Overall, I am very pleased with the outcome and the kids are absolutely adorable, making it impossible to go wrong. Thank you Carrie for giving me the opportunity to photograph your family and to capture this point in time. I would be honored to work with you again in the future. I hope you enjoy the sneak-peek, and there is more to come. As always, these aren't necessarily the best of show just a few I picked. Enjoy, Thank you!!!