Abby did the regular session, which is a 2hr session with 30 edited photos and all photos sold at cost with CD after first purchase for $200. Abby is a returning customer and is getting bigger every time I see her-That could be why I'm seeing her, lol!!! They grow sooooo fast. We had a great day to take pics and a lot of cool ideas, but Abby didn't care. She was a happy little baby if she was all Sprouled-out on the floor. I really don't blame her, I would want to be shove in buckets and lay in smelly old strollers either. It's true the 'way too cool' looking stroller- stinks to high heaven, but I still like it, it was the find of the week. This photography passion has me addicted to hunting down new stuff, my house is full of it now.... Anyhow, Abby really didn't do that bad and I feel as if she has some great pics!!! This is just a sneak-peek picked from the thumb nail gallery so they may not be the top dog pics of the shoot, but I liked them!!! Thank you for giving me the opportunity to photography little Abby and Thanks for the props you brought, too cool... Feel free to add Prefect Reflections to your friends list on facebook, I will occasional post discounted sessions on there!!! If you would like to set up a session I would love to hear from you, 317-403-3713. Enjoy!!!