I am blessed to have such great friends! My long-time friend Farrah is 8+ months pregnant with her first baby. She was sweet enough to allow me to use her belly and husband for my very first maternity photo shoot. This was so challenging in so many different ways, I am so happy it was Farrah I was working with. However, it was a great learning experience and I love the end product, I'm actually excited to do another. There were a number of things I took away from this photo shoot. One being indoor lighting, another was positioning and having a set plan. It was so hard to get her little self to look like she was pregnant, but I think I pulled it off. I feel as if the photos turned out "SO COOL". Anyhow, I would like to thank her and Brent for being so kind and cooperative as I experimented with them. They did a wonderful job and were great sports! I hope they like their photos and there are more to come.