This was such a fun session! I was very excited about it, then when I showed up and seen the setting I was working with, I was more then thrilled!!! I loved it, it was a perfect fit for what I had in my head!!! Deal is a farmer, and I thought it would be really cool to incorporate their real life in the session. After driving two hours through sunshine and thinking to myself I wish there was some overcast, the second I pulled into town it started to rain? -NO- be careful what you wish for!!! But we were able to dodge the rain drops and get some really great photos! The main focus of the session was the dress, but we were able to do some family and kido photos as well. Which turned out wonderful, if I don't say so myself!!! Theses people were so fun to work with and not scared about getting a little dirty, which I love! I would like to thank the Berry's for giving me an opportunity to capture their life as I saw it. I truly hope they love the photo!!! Thank you!!! To the Berry's family and friends: to view the rest of the photos use the password at http://www.malone.digitaleventsonline.com/