Lucas is a precious baby he was SOOOO good for his photo shoot. His parents were sweet as well. I love watching first time parents and how they interact and react, it so cute!!! I also love seeing babies smile, they are so innocent and sweet. Yes, there is a difference between smiling and taking a poop. I like the true smiles, but sometimes I will take the poop smile. This photo shoot went very smooth, I think I'm starting to get the getting the hang of baby photography and learning new tricks as I go. This little man would be impossible to mess-up on. He had a perfect round head and great skin. I hated covering his head with hats- but I had to because the hats were so darn cute and matched him perfectly. I would like to thank Lucas's mommy and daddy for taking the time to have pictures and giving me an opportunity to work my magic, lol... Thanks so much and enjoy the sneak-peek!!! Have fun with little Lucas, he will be in to everything before you know it.....I wouldn't know anything about that-I've just heard, lol.....