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Saturday, May 1, 2010

Prom 2010

This one took me back about 10 years. I can't believe time slips away so fast, yet somethings will never change. My little sister Miranda let me shoot some of her pre-prom pics with her buddy Zach and his cousin. Miranda has been my #1 Perfect Reflections supporter from day one. She is such a fun gal to work with and rolls with the punches. Being the big sis I enjoy giving her a hard time during our photo-shoots, all in good fun. This was my first time doing a prom shoot and I found that it wasn't my ordinary photo-shoot. Miranda had places to go and people to see. Therefore, I had to be fast, keep the mud off her dress and try not to drive her buddy crazy with "one more shot-stay there".... What I took away from this shoot was to not rush it; set it up think composition, get the good one from the start. When in a time-limit situation I find myself snapping pictures without thinking, I need to remember less is better if the few were thought through. As always the photos posted are just a sneak-peek for those interested and not necessarily the best of show, I hope you enjoy your photos and more are on the way. I would like to Thank Zach's family for allowing be to take the photos at their beautiful place and for being so welcoming. To all my prom-people, you looked wonderful. Thank you for letting be be a part of your night!!!

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