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Friday, June 11, 2010

Faith Baptist of Avon, VBS

What a neat Church! I was given the opportunity to shoot some photos of VBS at Faith Baptist Church of Avon. This was such a fun atmosphere! The kids really seemed to love it and the adults did too! This event had many games for the kids, as well as music, snacks, and theater. It even had it's own bus system and so much more! The day was beautiful and the people were so friendly. This was a great experience for me because I've been thinking about launching an events photography line next year and this gave me a feel for it. What I learned from this photo-shoot was once again DON'T BE SO SHY... I have great ideas in my head. Some of these ideas require set-up to get the best picture, but at the same time I want to be very unnoticeable and let the event flow as it should. The members of the Church really made me feel at home and did an excellent job showing the kids how to have some summer fun! If you live around the Avon area I would recommend checking this Church out at http://www.faithbaptistavon.com/
Thank you to all of the Faith Baptist crew for letting me capture a day of your lives at VBS. As always these are a few pictures I pulled from the stack, not necessarily the best...there are more to come! Enjoy!!!

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