After months of planing, the wedding day is finally here. Courtney and Andrew are such a cute couple. They act as if they have been married for years, I loved it!!! I'm starting to learn that the girls preparation time is much longer then anyone can plan for, but that's all part of it. The boys on the other hand are always able to get ready in a hurry. Unfortunately, on this particular day that didn't work to their advantage, because they were all mine, lol....The day was hot and sunny and I took the boys on a daring trip to the R.R. Tracks. They were such good sports, not one of them complained and they all had great personalities and were fun to work with. I got a few looks from the dads that screamed "are you crazy lady," looking back I think I was. I just think God that no one got too dirty, and I will probably never try that again on the big day with that many people. When returning to the Church the bride was all upset that the guys were eating in their tuxes, if she only knew the adventure we had been on for the photo-shoot she would have hit the floor, lucky for her I know CPR, lol.... Really it was lucky for me the guys were able to stay clean and dry. Anyhow, due to the time crunch we were unable to get all of the photos in that I had planned for, but I think we will be able to make up for that during the dress photo-shoot, which we have yet to due. I hope you like the sneak peek and their are more to come. I would like to thank Courtney and Andrew for giving me the opportunity to shoot their big day, congratulations!!! Thank You.... I would also like to give the guys an extra big Thank you for being so cooperative. Enjoy!!!!