What happened to my other 2 subjests??? They said forget this picture stuff, lol!!!!
I had a appointment with this little cutie and we got rained out although the weather said sun shiny all day.... which it was until 20 minutes before shoot time. Mommy wasn't wanting to waist anytime and I already had the car packed so we moved it to the next morning. The only deference was we were going to have 4 little helpers join us. This was a hard task but the end result still turned out very cute!!! Due to the change of plans I thought we could add some more smiling faces to some of the picture to make grandma and grandpa smile but that didn't last. Before we knew it all the little helpers were taking a water break and the main man of the hour wanted to join them. This ladies man was playing hard to get, I couldn't turn his head to save my life. Mommy got him to flash a few smiles and I was lucky enough to capture them... I would like to thank Chase's mommy for giving me the opportunity to work with her little heart breaker and I hope you enjoy the large sneak peek!!! Hey Allison, your photos can be viewed and bought at www.malone.digitaleventsonline.com -hint password is you 1st born's name!!! Finals will be ready in 2 weeks!!!