These boys were "all boy", I loved it. They were a joy to work with and a bit challenging, however I like challenges. The weather and lighting were perfect and the kids did great. They may have sounded like a person in distress, so we found out when a man stopped to help us thinking someone was having a heart attack -due to all of the yelling; but they looked too cute and that's what counts in a photo!!! Anyhow, I tried to break out some fun cute stuff with the costumes, but it didn't flow as nicely as I would have liked, but still cute and that won't stop me from trying it again. Anyhow, I am pleased with the photo-shoot and was happy Ashley gave me the opportunity. I would like to thank the farmer down the road for being so kind to let us shoot some photos on this property!!! I hope you like the sneak-peek and like always there's more on the way. Thank you!!! Enjoy.