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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Make up Mini!!!

Our mini was rained out so we had to reschedule for the next day! At times the weather makes my job a bit challenging, but nothing to difficult. I would like to start off Thanking my clients for their flexibly, Thank you, Thank you Thank you!!! Both of these mini goer's are 6months old, and both were seen before at Newborn and 3 months. I just love seeing the small changes and watching these kiddos grow!!! We had a great time at the park and they were both fabulous little models. Ellie would only smile for daddy and Levi seemed to be more entertained by his boots then by yours truly!!! It so cool to see their little personalities come out and watch them interact with their parents!!! I'm happy with the results and happy I have just great people to work with! Thank you for giving me the opportunity to work with your sweet families!!! Enjoy!!!

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